TIG - Git Curses Interface

Since some weeks, I am almost completely using tig for my work with git repositories. It requires a unix shell and git to be installed (I have not tried to install it on windows) and I have found that the keyboard shortcuts need some tweaking.

The shortcuts are easy to remember and are particularly easy to use on a US layout keyboard (i.e., where |, {}, [], etc. are easily avaialble).

Standard Tasks
=adds/removes files/changes from the index.
-discards changes in tracked file.
xdeletes untracked files.
<fetches the current state from the origin.
>pushes to the origin.
{branches off (prompts for branch name)
}merges (prompts for branch to merge)
ccommits verbosely (shows changes in editor)
+amends to last commit
^pushes to stash
vpops from stash
[decrease diff context
]increase diff context
pcherry-pick a selected commit
Standard Views
1main view
2status view
3view log
4tree view
5stash view
6grep view
llist branches (generic)
Small Helpers
lgraphical log for selected file (tree view only)
rgit ls-remote
Pfetch all and prune
ycopy truncated hash to clipboard
Ycopy full hash to clipboard
ccheckout branch (branch view only)

There are some small additional settings as well as some sensible defaults. Check them using the h key.
The full tigrc file can also be found on github.