Migrating an SVN repository or: SourceForge Acknowledged Timecode4

I need to migrate my local svn repository to sourceforge an therefore checked the web for such experiences once again. Recently, I found this site, which has a neat trick for avoiding all these padding revisions from svndumpfilter. But let’s keep it chronological. Here are the steps I took:

  • Export the repository with svnadmin:
svnadmin dump > svn_export.dmp
  • Filter out the paths I don’t need in the new repository and drop empty revisions:
cat svn_export.dmp | svndumpfilter --drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs include timecode4 > svn_clean_export.dmp
  • Import the dump’ed data into the existing SourceForge repository
svnadmin load < svn_clean_export.dmp

The two command line options for svndumpfilter basically did the job, which do not seem to be documented well. Anyhow, I already migrated the svn repo once I started nesono.com and therefore, lots of empty padding revisions remained, but now you and I should now better. And use the source for the next time ;)

The above technique is the best one, but I had no access to the actual file system on the target server, which you need for svnadmin. I did it that way:

  • Export the source using svn export (see also svn help export), which simply exports the source without any svn data and imported the clean directory using svn import. This makes revision 1 the starting point

Cheers, admin