Matlab uint16 and uint32 Classes

As I am doing some of my evaluations in Matlab, I was curious if I can emulate the behaviour of unsigned int, unsigned short C-variables in Matlab. However, they behave quite different! If you have a uint16 variable, which has the value 65535 (the maximum it can take) and increment it, it remains at 65535. No wrap around :/

Besides that, I gave diff( uint16() ), which shows a serious bug. To reproduce: enter the following into your Matlab terminal:

ext_seq = diff( uint16( [65530:65535, 0:5] ) )

And you will get:

ans = 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1

This means, that Matlab takes care of the wrap around, just in a wrong manner. The same “bug” occurred for me with uint32 and made me wonder, what Matlab is insinuating with this behavior. If you should know, please drop a note here!

To get standard behavior at least where only one wrap around occurs, I simply wrote a for loop now with two variables, one containing the last seq-entry and the other containing the current seq-entry. If the difference is smaller than -(2^16)/2, then I add 65535 to the result.
