git svn with standard layout and how to do a 'svn revert' with git

In my last blog I made a recall on git, linking to a workflow example, presented by the GNOME guys. After some more days using git, I need to re-update ;)

Starting with the “git svn clone” command. This command knows the option -s or –stdlayout, if an svn repository with a so-called standard layout shall be cloned. The standard layout is the directory structure of the repository or project. E.g. the project test_project needs to have the following structure


To clone this project and preserve svn’s tags and branches, use the following command

git svn clone -s

Additionally, after some coding, I needed something like a ‘svn revert’ and searched for it in git. I found this site, and boom, got the solution :) The following line will reset the changes in your working files.

git reset --hard HEAD


git revert HEAD

which would revert your last commit - something not even possible with svn!

If you want to reset a single file only, you should use the following command:

git checkout -- filename

You can leave out the ‘–’. They are just in case you have a file, which has the same name as a command or option of git.

Cheers, iss